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extensible.hh 解析

这是我目前见过相当妙的模板用法,这个文件中定义了 ExtensionExtensible 这两个类,Extension 用来拓展 Extensible,使能够在不改变 Extensible 的情况下给 Extensible 附加一些信息。

对于 Extension 的定义

 * This is base of every extension.
class ExtensionBase
    explicit ExtensionBase(const unsigned int id)
        : extID(id) {}

    virtual ~ExtensionBase() = default;

    virtual std::unique_ptr<ExtensionBase> clone() const = 0;

    static unsigned int
        static unsigned int max_num = 0;
        return ++max_num;

    //用来生成 ExtensionID 用
    unsigned int getExtensionID() const { return extID; }

    const unsigned int extID;

 * This is the extension for carrying additional information.
 * Each type of extension will have a unique extensionID.
 * This extensionID will assign to base class for comparsion.
 * Example usage:
 *   class MyTarget : Extensible<MyTarget> {};
 *   class MyExtension : public Extension<MyTarget, MyExtension>
 *   {
 *     public:
 *       MyExtension();
 *       std::unique_ptr<ExtensionBase> clone() const override;
 *       uint32_t getData();
 *     private:
 *       uint32_t data_;;
 *   };
 *   std::unique_ptr<MyTarget> mytarget(new MyTarget);
 *   std::shared_ptr<MyExtension> myext(new MyExtension);
 *   mytarget->setExtension(myext);
 *   std::shared_ptr<MyExtension> ext = mytarget->getExtension<MyExtension>();
 *   uint32_t data = ext->getData();
 *   mytarget->removeExtension<MyExtension>();
 *   In the example above, MyTarget can carry an extension named MyExtension,
 *   which contains an additional data field. This could be applicated to any
 *   debug information or any data field in any protocol.

template <typename Target, typename T>
class Extension : public ExtensionBase
    Extension() : ExtensionBase(extensionID) {}

    const static unsigned int extensionID;

template <typename Target, typename T>
const unsigned int Extension<Target, T>::extensionID =
        ExtensionBase::maxNumExtensions() - 1;

Extension 这一段代码很有意思,简单的一看这是一个模板,但是里面却没有使用到模板的类型,根本就不知道是为什么,后来发现,这里的两个模板参数都是用来产生不同的 id 用的,对于每个不同传入的 <typename Target, typename T> 模板变量,都会有新的类代码生成,而随着新的代码的生成,静态的 id 能继续往上自增。因此对于同一个 <typename Target, typename T> 的所有对象,用的是同一个 id。

对于 Extensible 的定义

template <typename Target>
class Extensible
     Extensible() = default;
     Extensible(const Extensible& other)
        // Clone every extension from other.
        for (auto& ext : other.extensions) {
     virtual ~Extensible() = default;

     * Set a new extension to the packet and replace the old one, if there
     * already exists the same type of extension in this packet. This new
     * extension will be deleted automatically with the shared_ptr<>.
     * @param ext Extension to set
    template <typename T>
    setExtension(std::shared_ptr<T> ext)
        static_assert(std::is_base_of<ExtensionBase, T>::value,
                      "Extension should inherit from ExtensionBase.");
        assert(ext.get() != nullptr);

        auto it = findExtension<T>();

        if (it != extensions.end()) {
            // There exists the same type of extension in the list.
            // Replace it to the new one.
            *it = std::move(ext);
        } else {
            // Add ext into the linked list.

     * Remove the extension based on its type.
     * @param ext Extension to remove
    template <typename T>
        static_assert(std::is_base_of<ExtensionBase, T>::value,
                      "Extension should inherit from ExtensionBase.");

        auto it = findExtension<T>();
        if (it != extensions.end())

     * Get the extension pointer by linear search with the extensionID.
    template <typename T>
        static_assert(std::is_base_of<ExtensionBase, T>::value,
                      "Extension should inherit from ExtensionBase.");
        auto it = findExtension<T>();
        if (it == extensions.end())
            return nullptr;
        return std::static_pointer_cast<T>(*it);


     * Go through the extension list and return the iterator to the instance of
     * the type of extension. If there is no such an extension, return the end
     * iterator of the list.
     *  @return The iterator to the extension type T if there exists.
    template <typename T>
        auto it = extensions.begin();
        while (it != extensions.end()) {
            if ((*it)->getExtensionID() == T::extensionID)
        return it;

    // Linked list of extensions.
    std::list<std::shared_ptr<ExtensionBase>> extensions;

这里主要是 Extensible 对传入的插件进行检查,对于同一种 Extension 的插件只能有一个。