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gem5 event-driven programming

在此简单介绍下 gem5 事件机制, gem5 事件机制的实现主要实现在 eventq.hh 两个文件中,当然肯定还有相关的文件做配合,这部分等待后续的更新。当前主要解释 eventq.hh 这两个文件中包含的 api 和相关的机制原理,这篇笔记主要先记录相关的 api 和常量的定义,后详细分析 eventq.hh 中的源代码。

常量定义和 api 简记

EventBase 中的标记

EventBase 中的标记主要记录一个 event 的状态,这些标记具有不同的含义,会在不同的函数中被设置或者清除。


EventBase 中的优先级


Event 中的各个成员

insertBefore(Event *event, Event *curr)静态方法从队列中插入
removeItem(Event *event, Event *last)静态方法从队列中移除
acquire release acquireImpl releaseImpl成员函数对事件的内存管理,只有在启用事件内存管理的时候才有用

EventQueue 中的各个成员

deschedule成员函数将指定事件从队列中移出,并消除Scheduled Squashed标记

EventManager 中的各个成员

EventManager 只是包含了 EventQueue 中的各种 schedule 方法。




eventq.hh 源代码

/* @file
 * EventQueue interfaces

#ifndef __SIM_EVENTQ_HH__
#define __SIM_EVENTQ_HH__

#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <climits>
#include <functional>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>

#include "base/debug.hh"
#include "base/flags.hh"
#include "base/named.hh"
#include "base/trace.hh"
#include "base/type_traits.hh"
#include "base/types.hh"
#include "base/uncontended_mutex.hh"
#include "debug/Event.hh"
#include "sim/cur_tick.hh"
#include "sim/serialize.hh"

namespace gem5

class EventQueue;       // forward declaration
class BaseGlobalEvent;

//! Simulation Quantum for multiple eventq simulation.
//! The quantum value is the period length after which the queues
//! synchronize themselves with each other. This means that any
//! event to scheduled on Queue A which is generated by an event on
//! Queue B should be at least simQuantum ticks away in future.
extern Tick simQuantum;

//! Current number of allocated main event queues.
// 当前分配的所有队列数量
extern uint32_t numMainEventQueues;

//! Array for main event queues.
// 所有队列的列表
extern std::vector<EventQueue *> mainEventQueue;

//! The current event queue for the running thread. Access to this queue
//! does not require any locking from the thread.

// 当前线程正在执行的事件队列
extern __thread EventQueue *_curEventQueue;

//! Current mode of execution: parallel / serial
extern bool inParallelMode;

//! Function for returning eventq queue for the provided
//! index. The function allocates a new queue in case one
//! does not exist for the index, provided that the index
//! is with in bounds.
EventQueue *getEventQueue(uint32_t index);

inline EventQueue *curEventQueue() { return _curEventQueue; }
inline void curEventQueue(EventQueue *q);

 * Common base class for Event and GlobalEvent, so they can share flag
 * and priority definitions and accessor functions.  This class should
 * not be used directly.
//  定义各种标记和优先级
class EventBase
    typedef unsigned short FlagsType;
    typedef ::gem5::Flags<FlagsType> Flags;

    static const FlagsType PublicRead    = 0x003f; // public readable flags
    static const FlagsType PublicWrite   = 0x001d; // public writable flags
    static const FlagsType Squashed      = 0x0001; // has been squashed
    static const FlagsType Scheduled     = 0x0002; // has been scheduled
    static const FlagsType Managed       = 0x0004; // Use life cycle manager
    static const FlagsType AutoDelete    = Managed; // delete after dispatch
     * This used to be AutoSerialize. This value can't be reused
     * without changing the checkpoint version since the flag field
     * gets serialized.
    static const FlagsType Reserved0     = 0x0008;
    static const FlagsType IsExitEvent   = 0x0010; // special exit event
    static const FlagsType IsMainQueue   = 0x0020; // on main event queue
    static const FlagsType Initialized   = 0x7a40; // somewhat random bits
    static const FlagsType InitMask      = 0xffc0; // mask for init bits

     * @ingroup api_eventq
    typedef int8_t Priority;

    /// Event priorities, to provide tie-breakers for events scheduled
    /// at the same cycle.  Most events are scheduled at the default
    /// priority; these values are used to control events that need to
    /// be ordered within a cycle.

     * Minimum priority
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    static const Priority Minimum_Pri =          SCHAR_MIN;

     * If we enable tracing on a particular cycle, do that as the
     * very first thing so we don't miss any of the events on
     * that cycle (even if we enter the debugger).
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    static const Priority Debug_Enable_Pri =          -101;

     * Breakpoints should happen before anything else (except
     * enabling trace output), so we don't miss any action when
     * debugging.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    static const Priority Debug_Break_Pri =           -100;

     * CPU switches schedule the new CPU's tick event for the
     * same cycle (after unscheduling the old CPU's tick event).
     * The switch needs to come before any tick events to make
     * sure we don't tick both CPUs in the same cycle.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    static const Priority CPU_Switch_Pri =             -31;

     * For some reason "delayed" inter-cluster writebacks are
     * scheduled before regular writebacks (which have default
     * priority).  Steve?
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    static const Priority Delayed_Writeback_Pri =       -1;

     * Default is zero for historical reasons.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    static const Priority Default_Pri =                  0;

     * DVFS update event leads to stats dump therefore given a lower priority
     * to ensure all relevant states have been updated
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    static const Priority DVFS_Update_Pri =             31;

     * Serailization needs to occur before tick events also, so
     * that a serialize/unserialize is identical to an on-line
     * CPU switch.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    static const Priority Serialize_Pri =               32;

     * CPU ticks must come after other associated CPU events
     * (such as writebacks).
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    static const Priority CPU_Tick_Pri =                50;

     * If we want to exit a thread in a CPU, it comes after CPU_Tick_Pri
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    static const Priority CPU_Exit_Pri =                64;

     * Statistics events (dump, reset, etc.) come after
     * everything else, but before exit.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    static const Priority Stat_Event_Pri =              90;

     * Progress events come at the end.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    static const Priority Progress_Event_Pri =          95;

     * If we want to exit on this cycle, it's the very last thing
     * we do.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    static const Priority Sim_Exit_Pri =               100;

     * Maximum priority
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    static const Priority Maximum_Pri =          SCHAR_MAX;

 * An item on an event queue.  The action caused by a given
 * event is specified by deriving a subclass and overriding the
 * process() member function.
 * Caution, the order of members is chosen to maximize data packing.
class Event : public EventBase, public Serializable
    friend class EventQueue;

    // The event queue is now a linked list of linked lists.  The
    // 'nextBin' pointer is to find the bin, where a bin is defined as
    // when+priority.  All events in the same bin will be stored in a
    // second linked list (a stack) maintained by the 'nextInBin'
    // pointer.  The list will be accessed in LIFO order.  The end
    // result is that the insert/removal in 'nextBin' is
    // linear/constant, and the lookup/removal in 'nextInBin' is
    // constant/constant.  Hopefully this is a significant improvement
    // over the current fully linear insertion.
    Event *nextBin;
    Event *nextInBin;

    // 这两个函数不过多解释含义,需要的时候画图理解
    // 总之全局的事件队列维护的是一个二级的队列就对了
    static Event *insertBefore(Event *event, Event *curr);
    static Event *removeItem(Event *event, Event *last);

    Tick _when;         //!< timestamp when event should be processed
    Priority _priority; //!< event priority
    Flags flags;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    /// Global counter to generate unique IDs for Event instances
    static Counter instanceCounter;

    /// This event's unique ID.  We can also use pointer values for
    /// this but they're not consistent across runs making debugging
    /// more difficult.  Thus we use a global counter value when
    /// debugging.
    Counter instance;

    /// queue to which this event belongs (though it may or may not be
    /// scheduled on this queue yet)
    EventQueue *queue;

    Tick whenCreated;   //!< time created
    Tick whenScheduled; //!< time scheduled

    setWhen(Tick when, EventQueue *q)
        _when = when;
#ifndef NDEBUG
        queue = q;
        whenScheduled = curTick();

    initialized() const
        return (flags & InitMask) == Initialized;

    getFlags() const
        return flags & PublicRead;

    isFlagSet(Flags _flags) const
        return flags.isSet(_flags);

    setFlags(Flags _flags)

    clearFlags(Flags _flags)


     * This function isn't really useful if TRACING_ON is not defined
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    virtual void trace(const char *action);     //!< trace event activity

    /// Return the instance number as a string.
    const std::string instanceString() const;

  protected: /* Memory management */
     * @{
     * Memory management hooks for events that have the Managed flag set
     * Events can use automatic memory management by setting the
     * Managed flag. The default implementation automatically deletes
     * events once they have been removed from the event queue. This
     * typically happens when events are descheduled or have been
     * triggered and not rescheduled.
     * The methods below may be overridden by events that need custom
     * memory management. For example, events exported to Python need
     * to impement reference counting to ensure that the Python
     * implementation of the event is kept alive while it lives in the
     * event queue.
     * @note Memory managers are responsible for implementing
     * reference counting (by overriding both acquireImpl() and
     * releaseImpl()) or checking if an event is no longer scheduled
     * in releaseImpl() before deallocating it.

    // 以下这四个函数主要是内存管理相关的
    // 主要管理事件对象什么时候在内存中分配和释放
     * Managed event scheduled and being held in the event queue.
    void acquire();

     * Managed event removed from the event queue.
    void release();

    virtual void acquireImpl();

    virtual void releaseImpl();

    /** @} */


     * Event constructor
     * @param queue that the event gets scheduled on
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    Event(Priority p = Default_Pri, Flags f = 0)
        : nextBin(nullptr), nextInBin(nullptr), _when(0), _priority(p),
          flags(Initialized | f)
#ifndef NDEBUG
        instance = ++instanceCounter;
        queue = NULL;
        whenCreated = curTick();
        whenScheduled = 0;

     * @ingroup api_eventq
     * @{
    virtual ~Event();
    virtual const std::string name() const;

    /// Return a C string describing the event.  This string should
    /// *not* be dynamically allocated; just a const char array
    /// describing the event class.
    virtual const char *description() const;

    /// Dump the current event data
    void dump() const;
    /** @}*/ //end of api group

     * This member function is invoked when the event is processed
     * (occurs).  There is no default implementation; each subclass
     * must provide its own implementation.  The event is not
     * automatically deleted after it is processed (to allow for
     * statically allocated event objects).
     * If the AutoDestroy flag is set, the object is deleted once it
     * is processed.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    virtual void process() = 0;

     * Determine if the current event is scheduled
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    bool scheduled() const { return flags.isSet(Scheduled); }

     * Squash the current event
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    void squash() { flags.set(Squashed); }

     * Check whether the event is squashed
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    bool squashed() const { return flags.isSet(Squashed); }

     * See if this is a SimExitEvent (without resorting to RTTI)
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    bool isExitEvent() const { return flags.isSet(IsExitEvent); }

     * Check whether this event will auto-delete
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    bool isManaged() const { return flags.isSet(Managed); }

     * The function returns true if the object is automatically
     * deleted after the event is processed.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    bool isAutoDelete() const { return isManaged(); }

     * Get the time that the event is scheduled
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    Tick when() const { return _when; }

     * Get the event priority
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    Priority priority() const { return _priority; }

    //! If this is part of a GlobalEvent, return the pointer to the
    //! Global Event.  By default, there is no GlobalEvent, so return
    //! NULL.  (Overridden in GlobalEvent::BarrierEvent.)
    virtual BaseGlobalEvent *globalEvent() { return NULL; }

    void serialize(CheckpointOut &cp) const override;
    void unserialize(CheckpointIn &cp) override;

// 重载运算符用于比较
 * @ingroup api_eventq
inline bool
operator<(const Event &l, const Event &r)
    return l.when() < r.when() ||
        (l.when() == r.when() && l.priority() < r.priority());

 * @ingroup api_eventq
inline bool
operator>(const Event &l, const Event &r)
    return l.when() > r.when() ||
        (l.when() == r.when() && l.priority() > r.priority());

 * @ingroup api_eventq
inline bool
operator<=(const Event &l, const Event &r)
    return l.when() < r.when() ||
        (l.when() == r.when() && l.priority() <= r.priority());

 * @ingroup api_eventq
inline bool
operator>=(const Event &l, const Event &r)
    return l.when() > r.when() ||
        (l.when() == r.when() && l.priority() >= r.priority());

 * @ingroup api_eventq
inline bool
operator==(const Event &l, const Event &r)
    return l.when() == r.when() && l.priority() == r.priority();

 * @ingroup api_eventq
inline bool
operator!=(const Event &l, const Event &r)
    return l.when() != r.when() || l.priority() != r.priority();

 * Queue of events sorted in time order
 * Events are scheduled (inserted into the event queue) using the
 * schedule() method. This method either inserts a <i>synchronous</i>
 * or <i>asynchronous</i> event.
 * Synchronous events are scheduled using schedule() method with the
 * argument 'global' set to false (default). This should only be done
 * from a thread holding the event queue lock
 * (EventQueue::service_mutex). The lock is always held when an event
 * handler is called, it can therefore always insert events into its
 * own event queue unless it voluntarily releases the lock.
 * Events can be scheduled across thread (and event queue borders) by
 * either scheduling asynchronous events or taking the target event
 * queue's lock. However, the lock should <i>never</i> be taken
 * directly since this is likely to cause deadlocks. Instead, code
 * that needs to schedule events in other event queues should
 * temporarily release its own queue and lock the new queue. This
 * prevents deadlocks since a single thread never owns more than one
 * event queue lock. This functionality is provided by the
 * ScopedMigration helper class. Note that temporarily migrating
 * between event queues can make the simulation non-deterministic, it
 * should therefore be limited to cases where that can be tolerated
 * (e.g., handling asynchronous IO or fast-forwarding in KVM).
 * Asynchronous events can also be scheduled using the normal
 * schedule() method with the 'global' parameter set to true. Unlike
 * the previous queue migration strategy, this strategy is fully
 * deterministic. This causes the event to be inserted in a separate
 * queue of asynchronous events (async_queue), which is merged main
 * event queue at the end of each simulation quantum (by calling the
 * handleAsyncInsertions() method). Note that this implies that such
 * events must happen at least one simulation quantum into the future,
 * otherwise they risk being scheduled in the past by
 * handleAsyncInsertions().
class EventQueue
    friend void curEventQueue(EventQueue *);

    std::string objName;
    Event *head;
    Tick _curTick;

    //! Mutex to protect async queue.
    UncontendedMutex async_queue_mutex;

    //! List of events added by other threads to this event queue.
    std::list<Event*> async_queue;

     * Lock protecting event handling.
     * This lock is always taken when servicing events. It is assumed
     * that the thread scheduling new events (not asynchronous events
     * though) have taken this lock. This is normally done by
     * serviceOne() since new events are typically scheduled as a
     * response to an earlier event.
     * This lock is intended to be used to temporarily steal an event
     * queue to support inter-thread communication when some
     * deterministic timing can be sacrificed for speed. For example,
     * the KVM CPU can use this support to access devices running in a
     * different thread.
     * @see EventQueue::ScopedMigration.
     * @see EventQueue::ScopedRelease
     * @see EventQueue::lock()
     * @see EventQueue::unlock()
    UncontendedMutex service_mutex;

    //! Insert / remove event from the queue. Should only be called
    //! by thread operating this queue.
    void insert(Event *event);
    void remove(Event *event);

    //! Function for adding events to the async queue. The added events
    //! are added to main event queue later. Threads, other than the
    //! owning thread, should call this function instead of insert().
    void asyncInsert(Event *event);

    EventQueue(const EventQueue &);

    class ScopedMigration
         * Temporarily migrate execution to a different event queue.
         * An instance of this class temporarily migrates execution to
         * different event queue by releasing the current queue, locking
         * the new queue, and updating curEventQueue(). This can, for
         * example, be useful when performing IO across thread event
         * queues when timing is not crucial (e.g., during fast
         * forwarding).
         * ScopedMigration does nothing if both eqs are the same
         * @ingroup api_eventq
        ScopedMigration(EventQueue *_new_eq, bool _doMigrate = true)
            :new_eq(*_new_eq), old_eq(*curEventQueue()),
             doMigrate((&new_eq != &old_eq)&&_doMigrate)
            if (doMigrate){

            if (doMigrate){

        EventQueue &new_eq;
        EventQueue &old_eq;
        bool doMigrate;

    class ScopedRelease
         * Temporarily release the event queue service lock.
         * There are cases where it is desirable to temporarily release
         * the event queue lock to prevent deadlocks. For example, when
         * waiting on the global barrier, we need to release the lock to
         * prevent deadlocks from happening when another thread tries to
         * temporarily take over the event queue waiting on the barrier.
         * @group api_eventq
        ScopedRelease(EventQueue *_eq)
            :  eq(*_eq)


        EventQueue &eq;

     * @ingroup api_eventq
    EventQueue(const std::string &n);

     * @ingroup api_eventq
     * @{
    virtual const std::string name() const { return objName; }
    void name(const std::string &st) { objName = st; }
    /** @}*/ //end of api_eventq group

     * Schedule the given event on this queue. Safe to call from any thread.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    schedule(Event *event, Tick when, bool global=false)
        assert(when >= getCurTick());

        event->setWhen(when, this);

        // The check below is to make sure of two things
        // a. A thread schedules local events on other queues through the
        //    asyncq.
        // b. A thread schedules global events on the asyncq, whether or not
        //    this event belongs to this eventq. This is required to maintain
        //    a total order amongst the global events. See global_event.{cc,hh}
        //    for more explanation.
        if (inParallelMode && (this != curEventQueue() || global)) {
        } else {

        if (debug::Event)

     * Deschedule the specified event. Should be called only from the owning
     * thread.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    deschedule(Event *event)
        assert(!inParallelMode || this == curEventQueue());



        if (debug::Event)


     * Reschedule the specified event. Should be called only from the owning
     * thread.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    reschedule(Event *event, Tick when, bool always=false)
        assert(when >= getCurTick());
        assert(always || event->scheduled());
        assert(!inParallelMode || this == curEventQueue());

        if (event->scheduled()) {
        } else {

        event->setWhen(when, this);

        if (debug::Event)

    Tick nextTick() const { return head->when(); }
    void setCurTick(Tick newVal) { _curTick = newVal; }

     * While curTick() is useful for any object assigned to this event queue,
     * if an object that is assigned to another event queue (or a non-event
     * object) need to access the current tick of this event queue, this
     * function is used.
     * Tick is the unit of time used in gem5.
     * @return Tick The current tick of this event queue.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    Tick getCurTick() const { return _curTick; }
    Event *getHead() const { return head; }

    Event *serviceOne();

     * process all events up to the given timestamp.  we inline a quick test
     * to see if there are any events to process; if so, call the internal
     * out-of-line version to process them all.
     * Notes:
     *  - This is only used for "instruction" event queues. Instead of counting
     *    ticks, this is actually counting instructions.
     *  - This updates the current tick value to the value of the entry at the
     *    head of the queue.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    serviceEvents(Tick when)
        while (!empty()) {
            if (nextTick() > when)

             * @todo this assert is a good bug catcher.  I need to
             * make it true again.
            //assert(head->when() >= when && "event scheduled in the past");


     * Returns true if no events are queued
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    bool empty() const { return head == NULL; }

     * This is a debugging function which will print everything on the event
     * queue.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    void dump() const;

    bool debugVerify() const;

     * Function for moving events from the async_queue to the main queue.
    void handleAsyncInsertions();

     *  Function to signal that the event loop should be woken up because
     *  an event has been scheduled by an agent outside the gem5 event
     *  loop(s) whose event insertion may not have been noticed by gem5.
     *  This function isn't needed by the usual gem5 event loop but may
     *  be necessary in derived EventQueues which host gem5 onto other
     *  schedulers.
     *  @param when Time of a delayed wakeup (if known). This parameter
     *  can be used by an implementation to schedule a wakeup in the
     *  future if it is sure it will remain active until then.
     *  Or it can be ignored and the event queue can be woken up now.
     *  @ingroup api_eventq
    virtual void wakeup(Tick when = (Tick)-1) { }

     *  function for replacing the head of the event queue, so that a
     *  different set of events can run without disturbing events that have
     *  already been scheduled. Already scheduled events can be processed
     *  by replacing the original head back.
    Event* replaceHead(Event* s);

     * Provide an interface for locking/unlocking the event queue.
     * @warn Do NOT use these methods directly unless you really know
     * what you are doing. Incorrect use can easily lead to simulator
     * deadlocks.
     * @see EventQueue::ScopedMigration.
     * @see EventQueue::ScopedRelease
     * @see EventQueue
    void lock() { service_mutex.lock(); }
    void unlock() { service_mutex.unlock(); }

     * Reschedule an event after a checkpoint.
     * Since events don't know which event queue they belong to,
     * parent objects need to reschedule events themselves. This
     * method conditionally schedules an event that has the Scheduled
     * flag set. It should be called by parent objects after
     * unserializing an object.
     * @warn Only use this method after unserializing an Event.
    void checkpointReschedule(Event *event);

    virtual ~EventQueue()
        while (!empty())

inline void
curEventQueue(EventQueue *q)
    _curEventQueue = q;
    Gem5Internal::_curTickPtr = (q == nullptr) ? nullptr : &q->_curTick;

void dumpMainQueue();

class EventManager
    /** A pointer to this object's event queue */
    EventQueue *eventq;

     * Event manger manages events in the event queue. Where
     * you can schedule and deschedule different events.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
     * @{
    EventManager(EventManager &em) : eventq(em.eventq) {}
    EventManager(EventManager *em) : eventq(em->eventq) {}
    EventManager(EventQueue *eq) : eventq(eq) {}
    /** @}*/ //end of api_eventq group

     * @ingroup api_eventq
    EventQueue *
    eventQueue() const
        return eventq;

     * @ingroup api_eventq
    schedule(Event &event, Tick when)
        eventq->schedule(&event, when);

     * @ingroup api_eventq
    deschedule(Event &event)

     * @ingroup api_eventq
    reschedule(Event &event, Tick when, bool always = false)
        eventq->reschedule(&event, when, always);

     * @ingroup api_eventq
    schedule(Event *event, Tick when)
        eventq->schedule(event, when);

     * @ingroup api_eventq
    deschedule(Event *event)

     * @ingroup api_eventq
    reschedule(Event *event, Tick when, bool always = false)
        eventq->reschedule(event, when, always);

     * This function is not needed by the usual gem5 event loop
     * but may be necessary in derived EventQueues which host gem5
     * on other schedulers.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    void wakeupEventQueue(Tick when = (Tick)-1)

    void setCurTick(Tick newVal) { eventq->setCurTick(newVal); }

 * @brief Wrap a member function inside MemberEventWrapper to use it as an
 * event callback. This wrapper should be prefered over EventFunctionWrapper
 * for better performance and type safety.
 * Wrapping a function *process* member of a class *klass* can be done by
 * adding a member variable of the following type:
 * MemberEventWrapper<&klass::process>.
 * It is required that klass::process takes no explicit argument and returns no
 * value as these could not be handled by the event scheduler.
 * @tparam F Pointer to the member function wrapped in this event.
template <auto F>
class MemberEventWrapper final: public Event, public Named
    using CLASS = MemberFunctionClass_t<F>;
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<void, MemberFunctionReturn_t<F>>);
    static_assert(std::is_same_v<MemberFunctionArgsTuple_t<F>, std::tuple<>>);

    [[deprecated("Use reference version of this constructor instead")]]
    MemberEventWrapper(CLASS *object,
                       bool del = false,
                       Priority p = Default_Pri):
        MemberEventWrapper{*object, del, p}

     * @brief Construct a new MemberEventWrapper object
     * @param object instance of the object to call the wrapped member func on
     * @param del if true, flag this event as AutoDelete
     * @param p priority of this event
    MemberEventWrapper(CLASS &object,
                       bool del = false,
                       Priority p = Default_Pri):
        Named( + ".wrapped_event"),
        if (del) setFlags(AutoDelete);

    void process() override {

    const char *description() const override { return "EventWrapped"; }
    CLASS *mObject;

template <class T, void (T::* F)()>
using EventWrapper [[deprecated("Use MemberEventWrapper instead")]]
    = MemberEventWrapper<F>;

class EventFunctionWrapper : public Event
      std::function<void(void)> callback;
      std::string _name;

     * This function wraps a function into an event, to be
     * executed later.
     * @ingroup api_eventq
    EventFunctionWrapper(const std::function<void(void)> &callback,
                         const std::string &name,
                         bool del = false,
                         Priority p = Default_Pri)
        : Event(p), callback(callback), _name(name)
        if (del)

    * @ingroup api_eventq
    void process() { callback(); }

     * @ingroup api_eventq
    const std::string
    name() const
        return _name + ".wrapped_function_event";

     * @ingroup api_eventq
    const char *description() const { return "EventFunctionWrapped"; }

 * \def SERIALIZE_EVENT(event)
 * @ingroup api_serialize
#define SERIALIZE_EVENT(event) event.serializeSection(cp, #event);

 * \def UNSERIALIZE_EVENT(event)
 * @ingroup api_serialize
#define UNSERIALIZE_EVENT(event)                        \
    do {                                                \
        event.unserializeSection(cp, #event);           \
        eventQueue()->checkpointReschedule(&event);     \
    } while (0)

} // namespace gem5

#endif // __SIM_EVENTQ_HH__